
Friday, May 22, 2015

Klokbekers in Voerman (Exhibition)

The Voerman Museum in Assenrade has an ongoing exhibit "Klokbekers, het kindergraf van Assenrade"

It features the grave of a child's grave from a ring ditch and his Veluwe Klokbeker and bowl.  Other beakers, lithics and artifacts from the area are on display as well.
Exhibition Poster - artist not stated (Voerman Museum Hattem)
The likely boy was buried in a flat grave although little of him remains due to the acidic soil conditions of Holland.

Assenrade Veluwe Klokbeker (Voerman Museum Hattem)

Voerman Museum Hattem - Netherlands [website]

Voerman Museum (photo Carl030nl)


  1. What's your opinion on where Bell Beaker originated, the route it took to spread, and whether it has much to do with genetics(do you think it was mostly a style rather than ethnicity?).

    1. If Beaker culture was a young star system, it began rotating in Iberia. It's gravity pulled influences from several directions as it began expanding. As to its origin, several scenarios are possible. Some weird combination of Peninsular Corded Ware and Norther African influences seem to have been important in its development on an Iberian substrate, itself having some foreign elements from the Eastern Mediterranean.

      Having said that, I've cautioned before that viewing the BBC as a composite culture is wrong-headed.
      I do believe Bell Beaker had a core ethnic group that maintained its paternal integrity, however this had several major miscegenation phases that ultimately led to the formation of modern Europe at the local level.

      I'll put some of these views and problems together in a post.
