
Monday, September 19, 2016

Updated Genghis Khan Haplotype (Redux)

Well, Genghis Khan may have been R1b-343 depending on the exact relation of a group of Bordjigin clan individuals from a Mongolia cemetery.

So if you paid the $150 dollars to a screwball firm like and were disappointed that you were unrelated to Genghis Khan, well maybe you can get your money back.

The article is available from PlosOne which examines remains from Таван Толгой.  This may still require some confirmation with other occupants to determine familial ties.  Via Russian REACTOR  Чингисхан оказался европейцем

Molecular Genealogy of a Mongol Queen’s Family and Her Possible Kinship with Genghis Khan

Lkhagvasuren G, Shin H, Lee SE, Tumen D, Kim J-H, Kim K-Y, et al. (2016) Molecular Genealogy of a Mongol Queen’s Family and Her Possible Kinship with Genghis Khan. PLoS ONE 11(9): e0161622. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0161622  [Link]


  1. I read the paper. Actually they only establish that those R1b samples are from some closely related early Mongolian-period elites descended from the same Y-DNA line buried in what is now eastern Mongolia, not that they are descended from Genghis Khan. The paper is too sensationalist in its interpretations of the results.

    1. I agree. It does seem rather sensationalistic a second time, especially if known descendants appear to belong to haplogroup C.

    2. Has any one of the patrilineal descendants of various Genghisid dynasties taken a Y-DNA test? There is no one I know of. Maybe you know better.

    3. I wouldn't know. I was referring to what caused the speculation for a 'Genghis Khan modal haplotype' to begin with. It's like the M222 Niall of the Nine Hostages haplotype in that it seemed to be based on the flimsy idea that its ubiquitousness and youth could only be the result of a warlord with a million kids.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. I see. I agree that Genghis Khan is very much likely to belong to the specified modal haplotype of haplogroup C2 in the "Genghis Khan modal haplotype" paper after the publication of that paper, though it is not a conclusive proof.

  2. A Mongolian like Genghis Khan was belongs to the Y DNA Haplogroup C-217. But actually an Oceanian, Paternal line (Melanesian, Micronesian dan Polinesia) also have a Y DNA Haplogroup C-130. Both Mongolian and Pasific Inlander share a common with M168 and P143. But why their physical appearance were extremely different to each others?
