Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Likely Beaker in Looe

Following the untimely passing of Jean Manco, a fitting follow-on in the West Country.

Dr. Katherin Frieman of Austrailian National University begins excavation Easter Sunday on an Early Bronze Age barrow outside the fishing village of Looe in Cornwall. Heritage Daily and Science Daily.

Pasture outside Looe (Looe fishing tours)
It sounds like a respectable grave in tin country, hopefully Dr. Frieman will keep the newspaper photographers busy!

*Update 4/19.  Excavators discovered a burial urn.  Will add link later.


  1. I’m not a techie. Can Jean’s ancestraljourneys.org be retrieved? She had quite a database of aDNA.

    1. She probably took it offline knowing that it would become outdated, but her family might allow it to be taken over if administered by someone trustworthy. I hope something could be worked out, it was a valuable resource.

    2. Perhaps it could be taken over by a committee of enthusiasts organized as a 501c. Assuming it isn't forbidden in her will.

  2. Most of her tables are still available using the Wayback machine. Just understand these are her copyright works and use would fall under her specific copyright. But she does site the particular studies where retrieved so you could also use her tables for reference and build your own database. https://web.archive.org/web/20170709083451/http://www.ancestraljourneys.org:80/ancientdna.shtml
